Payment Options

students in class on first day

Payment Options

Payment Options

Maryville University offers the convenience of online student account services for electronic payments, billing, refunding and automated tuition payment plans for students. These services are offered online through My Account, where you are able to see current activity on your student account, make payments, signup for payment plans, and setup a refund profile. Login to My Account.

Payment Due Dates

Payment due dates for each semester are provided below. Students need to have payment arrangements to cover their semester balance completed on or before the payment due date. Payment arrangements can include financial aid, payments applied to the student account, or enrollment in a semester payment plan.

Semester Payment and/or payment arrangement due date* Late fee added to student account after
Spring classes December 15 December 22
Spring 2nd half classes** March 1 March 8
Fall classes August 1 August 8
Fall 2nd half classes** October 1 October 8
Summer classes beginning in May May 1 May 8
Summer classes beginning in June June 1 June 8
Summer classes beginning in July July 1 July 8
Summer classes beginning in August August 1 August 8

*Students registering after the payment deadline must make payment or payment arrangements within 7 days of registration.

** Second half payment due dates are applicable to students who are only enrolled in second half courses and did not attend during the first half of the semester.

Payment Options

Important Note: Students must have a payment arrangement in place to cover their balance in full by the due dates stated at the top of this page. Students lacking payment arrangements are subject to a $100 late fee. If a payment arrangement is not in place by the second week of the term/semester, students will be automatically enrolled in the Monthly Payment Plan for any remaining balance, and subject to payment plan late fees of $25 per missed or late payment. Further, students will be unable to register for future semesters if terms of payment arrangements are not met.

  • Authorized User

  • Refunds

    In the event that a credit (balance due student) is generated on a student’s account, the credit balance will be issued as a refund to the student and mailed to the permanent address on file. If the student has created a refund profile in their student account the refund will be sent electronically to the account specified by the student. Mailed checks take approximately seven to ten business days and are sent via USPS mail.

  • Tuition, Fees & One Card

    Questions? Contact us at 314-529-9360 or